


South Africa - Email: Booking@luciadramat.com
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Coaching with Lucia

Ready, set and glow, grow, go

Getting a coach in any area of your life is an indication that you are serious about your growth, so much so that you have enlisted the services of a coach to help you hit the mark.
If you are here, you have a desire for more and you are exploring the ways to get there. You are ready to push yourself beyond limiting beliefs, boundaries and blockages that may have been holding you back before. You have possibly tasted or seen what life can look like and you are ready to go for it. You have been flirting with making changes but now you are ready to commit to the life you want.
You are ready for 2.0 in your life and I am ready to coach you through and into this wonderful time in your life.

Initially, it is important for me to be clear on what I am and what I am not:

I am not a business coach
I am not a personal trainer.
I am not a therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist.
I do not treat mental illness, depression and so forth.
I can not do the work for any client. To see results they must apply and take action themselves.

What I do is help people:

Change their thinking
Increase their emotional wellbeing
Change limited belief systems
Reframe past experiences
Set and achieve goals
Make life changes
Increase motivation
Learn a new skill
Change their self-identity

I do this through one on one coaching, group coaching and workshops.


If you are ready to breakfree and breakthrough this is for you.


Book a PROPEL SESSION, an intensive 2 hour one on one with Lucia. During this session we discover blockages and strategies to overcome them, Start to develop clarity around your identity, strategise your next steps and set you up for a lighter, more confident and focused you. In this session Lucia will draw on her motivational skills, experience, life coaching tools and her faith. The Propel Sessions are R2000 (excluding travel, accommodation and additional venue fees) 

Following the Propel Session should we work together for continued discovery, maintenance and accountability the sessions are R1500 per session

To book email: booking@luciadramat.com with the subject PROPEL SESSION