


South Africa - Email: Booking@luciadramat.com

Lucia Dramat Presents

Personal Development Training and workshops

The Impact of Personal Development workshops, talks and coaching in the workplace.

– Creating SELF-awareness.
– Improve Your Connection With Others
– Building Confidence
– Reduces Burnout and exhaustion, and makes you happier
– Ignites A Desire To Grow

There are so many benefits to personal development. Your team is the lifeblood of your organisation. Make sure they are doing well and the organisation thrives.

Subject related trainings are important for each industry. You are filling the vessels with the knowledge they need to perform competently and confidently. However, you also have to make sure the vessel itself is in good shape and growing. Pouring into a broken or underdeveloped vessel will always leave a mess behind. Personal development works on the vessel. Makes the vessel strong, bigger and able.

Our employees are the lifeblood of our organizations, whether we’re customer-centric or product-driven. When we invest in their well-being, we are investing in the very heartbeat of our success.

As a leader it is vital that you know how to lead yourself before leading anyone else.

Self awareness, mindset, your energy, attitude and the way you work with others has a big impact on outcomes of your team.

Needless to say but I will say it anyway, Personal development is not just for the ladies. It’s for anyone with a MIND, anyone who wants to grow in life/career/relationships/business/financially/health and it is becomes more and more needed as life has evolved and become so busy.

If your mind is clear and focused it helps you prioritise, balance and be present where you are. Be at work mentally and physically when you are at work. Not thinking about home. Be present at home when you are at home not thinking about work.

Relax when you are meant to relax and focus when it’s time to focus. Mindset is powerful. Don’t underestimate how developing your mindset can change your life.

Reach out to us to book a session and let’s embark on this transformative journey together. Remember, a healthy team is a happy and productive team!

Topics and Training: 

  • Leadership Development
  • Confidence building
  • Mindset Management (self awareness, strategies to build beneficial thinking)
  • Personal Development (decision making, goal setting, how to change)

Corporate and Organisational Package Options:

  • Monthly Personal Development / Growth  Day (Workshop + Time allocated for one on one coaching)
  • Monthly Workshops (For continued personal development, growth and accountability)
  • Individual or group coaching
  • Once Off Workshops
  • Special Events Keynote Speaker

Email: booking@luciadramat.com to find out more

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